Measurement and Verification of Savings (CMVP)

The IPMVP Protocol (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol), defines how to measure and verify the reduction produced after the application of energy efficiency measure. It must be done by an accredited technician to properly register this energy saving measurement.

Depending on the installation and the budget, the following energy saving measurement options are available:

Option A. It is about verifying the energy efficiency measure in isolation. Normally, a key parameter is continuously measured in the installation.

Option B. It is verified in isolation but measuring all parameters. It is continuously measured directly in the installation.

Option C. The complete installation is verified. The resources will be a function of the total energy consumption of the installation. The measurement must be continued throughout a certain period.

Option D. It is a calibrated simulation. Part of or the entire energy consumption is simulated.

Elige Letter Ingenieros para tu medición de ahorros energéticos / CMVP y confía en nuestros ahorros de experiencia, calidad y profesionalidad.
